NewsStoryNow-Both fighters showed a lot of heart. Mayweather landed some great right hooks in the last round. His overhand right and left uppercut was his best combination. He pumped the hard jab well too. And here it is: 117-111, 118-110, 117-111, all for Floyd Mayweather Jr., your new champion! Mayweather is now 43-0 Cotto is 37-3 This fight between Floyd Mayweather and Miguel Cotto at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas has been dubbed “Ring Kings," and for good reason. These two gladiators are the elite of the elite in the sweet science. Mayweather has an unblemished record of 42-0 with 26 KOs, and Cotto is 37-2 with 30 KOs. Cotto will be defending his WBA title tonight at the 154-pound limit. Floyd has only fought once before at this weight, and he stepped up in not demanding that the bout take place at a catch weight. The gloves tonight will be 10 ounces, rather than the 8 ounce mitts that Floyd is used to fighting with in bouts at 147 and below. This should be to Cotto’s advantage, since the lighter gloves would make Floyd even Mayweather eran a huge payday with 32,000,000.00 dollars